Don’t look back upon your accomplishments. Know they look at you.
Month: May 2018
Quote of the Day
If you awoke today “thinking,” I have a lot to do. Maybe “thinking,” I have too much to do today.
Remove “thinking” and replace with “presence” and rephrase. You will witness a very different experience as you allow rather than work to control an outcome.
“I enjoy this new day moment by moment. Everything I bring my attention to is special and exciting. I witness each new breath through the eyes of a child, allowing whatever “is” to be as it is.”
Get Grounded
Getting Grounded
It doesn’t matter who you are, there will always be a reason to ground yourself and for those of us who are sensitive or empaths staying grounded is even more important.
Being ungrounded even to a minor degree can make one feel off-kilter, scattered and just not in their body. If ungrounded for long periods, one might even feel unwell or disconnected from the world around them.
There is a reason people feel great when at the beach or walking in nature. This is due to negative ions and the effect they have on us. When you breathe in air that’s charged full of negative ions, stress levels are reduced, a positive mood is created, and the levels of serotonin increase (which helps reduce feelings of depression and lethargy).
Recently I had a healing session and one of the comments made post-treatment was to find ways to get and stay grounded. So even for someone who looks at my own energy closely, I had become ungrounded if even is just slightly.
Day to day life does not always afford us the opportunity to go to the beach or walk in a forest, so I have created a grounding meditation (below) to get you grounded quickly and listed helpful tools to help keep you grounded.
Just doing some form of grounding during or at the end of your day will help you feel inspired and connected with mother earth, leaving the door open for you to create and expand your life. Any type of energy treatment (such as Reiki or Crystal Healing) is certainly a great way to ground. Everyone will find their best way to get grounded. My favorite and I’m guess I’m not alone on this would be number seventeen (happy grounding). You can also listen to this mediation @ Hearthstone Healing YouTube Channel!
Things to help you get and stay grounded
- Meditate
- Get close to a tree (touch it)
- Go for a walk (anywhere)
- Eat more root vegetables
- Use Crystals to Ground (tiger’s eye, garnet, hematite, onyx and or copper.)
- Sit near stream or river
- Breathe in fresh air
- Cook a meal from scratch
- Use essential oils such as; sandalwood, cedarwood,
- Cuddle an animal
- Do yard work
- Get physical with exercise
- Lay in the sun
- Drink lots of water and ensure your salt intake is adequate
- Disconnect from technology
- Pamper your physical body (have a sea salt bath)
- Have sex (with yourself or with someone else)
- Have a real conversation
- Go sit somewhere in nature
- Listen to earthy music
- Create your own music
- Write
- Cry