Many of us are yearning to leave 2020 behind and forget that it ever happened. The good news is that in just a few short days this crazy year will be over.
So how can we leave this year behind on solid footing and prepare for the new year to come?
Winer Solstice is a perfect opportunity to enact change and our ancestors knew this, utilizing this window to set their intentions moving from old to new.
But first, let’s set the stage.
This year has in many ways been the setup for 2021, giving most of us the opportunity to see and experience things that are uncomfortable. It’s offered us a chance to step back from the constant movement of our busy lives and reflect. We’ve experienced life from a different vantage point, a new and broader perspective.

I’ve sensed that 2020 although harsh, was sent to help prepare us for 2021. Seems mysterious, I know. But the energy this year has been anything but typical or expected. So why not allow the idea that something very unique or special might be upon us or just around the corner?
We’ve seen our demons, but also experienced the brightness that can exist when we choose to embrace and support the goodness from within.
What might we expect?
In 2021 we will be asked to do more of what we did in 2020. The difference I believe is that we will be expected to step forward into energies supporting harmony and balance, giving up lower and denser energy systems forever.
What if, 2021 no longer supports lower vibratory energies? Will we see institutions operating in this energy start to breakdown?
Are we ready to give up heavier, denser energy?
Try this to see what releasing constrictive energy can feel like. Make a fist with your hand and clench it tight, feeling the strength and energy required to do this. Now, release your clenched fist and relax your hand and sense the softness and release.
Releasing restrictive energetic patterns allows our body to become more fluid and energized, bringing this newly found energy into everything we do.
The Winter Solstice is a massive portal, offering all of us the chance to unclench our collective fists. To Let go of whatever is not supporting our highest good. To Step forward with fearless enthusiasm.
Winter Solstice may be the shortest and darkest day of the year, but it is also the most impactful window to make a change.
What should I do during Winter Solstice?
- Give up all trauma that you are holding in your body.
- Be fully embodied, feeling yourself naturally in your body.
- Fully release anything that is uncomfortable without pushing it away.
- Sit quietly and let guidance come in.
- Breathe deeply and really connect with the potential of our breath.
- Listen to your body and offer it what it is asking for.
- Drink lots of water and eat food that your body is asking for.
- Get enough sleep and don’t feel guilty about it.
- Release all negative thoughts, patterns, or memories about who you are.
- Love yourself unconditionally.
- Do something creative and draw others into these powerful energies.
- Movement. any kind of movement works and is perfect for expanding new energies.
- Listen to music and enjoy singing along.
- Get out in nature and really let mother nature into your life and shift your frame of mind.
What can I do after Winter Solstice has passed?
- As we move through the winter solstice, you may feel disruption or unease. Simply know that this is normal.
- Fully support yourself in any way that is needed.
- Breathe, breathe, breathe. Enjoy a few minutes of our big beautiful breath.
- Continue to “be with” and release negative patterns and beliefs
- Understand that emotions will come up. If emotions seem overwhelming or out of place for you, this is normal.
- Try not to suppress feelings, but rather let these feelings “exist and release them as you no longer need their expression and experience.
- Remember how much energy it took to make a fist and let go, “surrender.”
- Seek out a professional and get energetic support. Many of us will need this even if we were not sensitive to energy previously.
-Tom Kelly