Category: Energy Healing

Social Distancing – How Are You Coping?

It’s been a fantastically odd time, disruptive and yet we’ve all had a chance to step inside “our” house and check the foundation, timbers, walls and roof. Something even the most seasoned spiritual individuals will have difficulty with.

Once we stop “doing” and simply become still, uncomfortable feelings may bubble to the surface demanding out attention.

Continue reading “Social Distancing – How Are You Coping?”

Healing Intention (or) Prayer

I AM, with every breath I take, exhaling that which no longer serves me and inhaling divine white light. This white light enhances every aspect of my physical, mental and emotional body, strengthening my capacity to heal and be healed. As I AM breathing this breath myself, I AM also sharing its potential with all beings.

I Am grateful for all that is given to me, past present and future. I AM of the light, connected above and below, grounded and safe!

by Tom Kelly

Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – How will you respond?

What You Need to Know

Stay informed by attaining facts and instructions from your regional health unit to minimize risk to yourself, your family and community.

Ottawa Public HealthNovel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Your Immune System

Our immune system is directly related to our energy level.

As someone who works with energy, I see how we all hook into patterns that are both healthy and unhealthy. Being aware of how you are feeling and to optimize your energetic response (resolve) will be critical for your good health.

If we feel negative emotion for any length of time our immune system becomes compromised and we more likely to become ill. On the contrary, when we are optimistic and happy, illness is much less likely to affect us.

No one can manage your life experience for you, it is a choice. We can only be resilient and strong for others when we are strong ourselves.

The Beatles sang “All You Need Is Love,” and as corny as the song might sound, let me ask this question. Remember back to a time when you truly felt the emotion “love,” and at that moment did you feel unwell or in any way compromised? Love is a high vibratory state of being, and in this state, we feel superhuman having endless energy.

Ways to Enhance Your Immune System

  • Be informed but not overwhelmed

We all want to know more about this virus but limit your curiosity to need to know facts. If you are feeling overwhelmed, you’ve had too much exposure and need a break.

  • Avoid drama

This could relate to news repeating itself and scaring you, or it could be any other negative spin happening in your life. Evaluate what you spend your time doing or thinking about and take out the unnecessary drama that may be fueling negative emotion and making you feel tired and depleted.

  • Take a break

Allow for downtime. We all need time to ourselves or to be with friends and relax. Give yourself permission to have a lazy moment anytime you think you need one.

  • Breathe

Throughout your day, stop what you are doing and notice your breath. Take 10 long relaxed breaths, and with each breath focus on letting go of any tension or stress. When finished you will feel much more relaxed. Repeat as many times as needed.

  • Stay active.

It doesn’t matter how you get regular exercise, just remember that all movement is beneficial to your body, energy levels, and your overall health.

  • Get enough sleep.

Many of us cut corners when it comes to sleep, thinking we’ll make up for it at some point. Without adequate sleep, we start our day depleted which will affect our energy levels.

  • Eat a balanced diet

Remember that what you eat, and drink is the fuel for your body and mind. Drink enough fluids to stay hydrated and eat a combination of foods to benefit your overall health. Take time to enjoy eating and focus on the nutrition in the food enhancing your health and wellbeing.

  • Reduce stress.

As we mindfully identify our stress and reduce it, our body and immune system are strengthened, and we thrive in life. You can also use a statement like this to honor and alter any stress you may be feeling “Any stress that I do encounter is healthy and helpful”.

  • Think positive thoughts.

It’s been said that over the course of a day, we think negative thoughts 70% of the time or more.

Being quiet for a few moments can help us identify negative thought patterns, then we can reduce these thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts.

A great time to set up positive thoughts for your day is immediately after you wake up. Remind yourself of all the blessing around you

Here is a mantra that might become a healthy new thought and can be modified to state anything you would like to enhance. “I AM perfect health.”

  • Surrender control

Many of us think we can control every aspect of our lives and in trying, we become frustrated and tired. Let the traffic around you flow, releasing the idea that you can or should be in control.

  • Prayer

It doesn’t matter who you pray to, but that you speak directly and with love, asking for what you need and being grateful for what you have.

A nice prayer might be; “With every breath, I take today, may my heart be warm, open, and full of love and my thoughts calm and satisfying. I share this intention with my family, my community and all beings.”

  • Start a daily routine

Find a time in your day to introduce a practice. This could involve meditation, movement such as Yoga and Qi Gong, Breathwork, taking a walk and so on. Your routine should bring vibrant new energy into your body, balance and ground this energy and expand the magnificence of who you are.

  • Have a healing session

Schedule a massage or have a Reiki session. Ask someone who works with energy to offer you a healing session or provide a remote session for you or to enhance the energy of your home or workplace.

Keep the happy vibe rolling and keep it simple

(listen to the “Happy” song by Pharrell Williams)

  • Smile
  • Laugh
  • Play
  • Run
  • Listen to music
  • Sing
  • Watch a fun movie
  • Be silly
  • Have a hot bath
  • Light candle
  • Make love
  • Feed the birds
  • Giggle
  • Wrestle with the kids
  • Cook
  • Eat
  • Enjoy some wine
  • Take a walk
  • Eat some pie
  • Tickle someone
  • Observe nature
  • Write
  • Imagine
  • Open a door for someone
  • Help a stranger

by Tom Kelly

“Harmony Candle” now available!

Hearthstone Healing is now offering a beautiful beeswax candle that will harmonize and brighten your space. Beeswax, when burnt, creates negative ions. Negative Ions are found near waterfalls, at the beach, and in nature, and are responsible for creating the good vibe we feel in these places. Negative ions make us Feel empowered, alive and healthy!

Our Harmony Candle goes further with selected essential oils infused in the beeswax. These oils are released when the candle is burnt and are not meant to overpower the beautiful scent of the beeswax but rather, boost, clear and harmonize the air in your home.

The oils used in the Harmony Candles are;

Sandalwood, Frankincense, Lavender, Cedarwood, Vanilla, Cinnamon and Orange.

Ever Harmony Candle has a single quartz crystal, allowing you to bring the crystalline kingdom alive in your home as well!

Our quartz crystals that have been programmed (infused) with Full Moon energies along with several other energy healing qualities to project Health, Healing, Harmony, and Balance.

As a healing practitioner I sense the powerful energy projected from the Harmony Candle. When used with pure intent it’s energetic potential to transform is endless.

Regardless of whether you burn your candle or not, it will be a powerful energy boost to your home. I suggest using it throughout your home, clearing and energizing wherever you sense it is required.

We’ve included a certificate of authentication for each candle. This certificate guarantees the crystal presented with your candle is prepared as stated.

Each beautiful candle is made of 200 grams or just under 1/2 pound of local beeswax, which if cared for will burn for 20-40 hours. A perfect boost for your daily meditation practice!

The Harmony Candle is now available at a cost of $25.00 (pick up). Shipping or delivery costs will be applied if pickup is not an option.

The Harmony Candle is handcrafted by Tom Kelly and is in very limited quantities. Contact us now to ensure you get one!

We are planning a spring candle with an essential oil blend I call “Yoga.” And, for those who “must” have a beeswax candle without any essential oil, this is coming too and is called “Nature.”

Coming soon – our online store!

REMEMBER – These candles are made in very small batches, so if this is calling you, don’t blink or they will all be gone!

Are You in Stride With The Season

In Ottawa, we’ve had a long and sunny October and early November with many options to be outdoors.

So, an article I planned to write weeks ago about the transition from summer into fall energies got lost outdoors, until today.

With snow on the ground and winter peeking from just around the corner It’s certain we’ve all noticed some sort of seasonal shift. The uplifting energy of summer and those long daylight hours are gone for this year and its time to settle into fall. But what does it all mean?

I find transitioning into fall can be energetically tricky, so if you’re feeling a little out of wack this is fairly normal. We tend to cling to our summer habits and in doing so can leave ourselves open for a let down as summer and early fall energies wane.

What’s interesting about shifting from summer into fall is that we naturally understand what to do and yet may procrastinate in the fading glory of summer or even fall.

If we look at Indigenous or Traditional Chinese customs, we see how they transition across seasons in a purposeful and ceremonious way. Even the farming community seems to listen with a fine-tuned ear better than people living in cities. They follow their calendar along with moon patterns and focus on elemental change. They look at seasonal change as good, helpful and necessary.

If we procrastinate and hold our focus on summer too long, it is like planning to run a marathon without preparation and can lead to significant feelings of unbalance.

Unbalance can be dealt with quickly if we move into flow with the season and adjust as needed. Or, the transition can be difficult if we struggle unaware or unwilling to adjust our clock to the season.

Believe it or not, we are much more intuitive than we think, often struggling only because we are more removed from tradition than our ancestors. So let’s look at what can get us on track!


Here are a few things I’ve learned and have helped me transition into fall and early winter.


1. Let nature, the earth, moon, and stars guide you into the season.

When you spend time outdoors, you will naturally feel more in step with the season.

2. Befriend the shorter days, noticing what they have to offer.

By acknowledging every moment as a gift, we can be grateful in the shorter, darker days of fall. Explore and embrace the newness hidden around you, seeing “all” that is available.

3. Relax and get more sleep.

Regardless of your pace in life, allow for more sleep and notice how much more energetic you feel. Find adequate “downtime” and don’t feel guilty if things on the to-do list fall behind.

4. Exercise, but reduce the intensity and allow more time for recovery.

Take it easy at the gym. You may need longer warm-up and cool-down periods and more time between reps and workout sessions. As cooler temperatures impact your body do more stretching without pushing too hard. When outdoors, try breathing through your nose as this warms the air for the lungs.

5. Sense “earth” and/or “metal” element and see what they mean for you.

In Indigenous and Chinese traditions, fall elements are in some respects preparing us for winter and asking us to deal with sadness and grief along with other emotions. Take the time to investigate your emotions and honor what they are speaking to you about. You may sense your lung capacity change during the fall season.

6. Eat seasonally, letting your diet shift to foods that ripen in the fall.

If you do some quick research on fall foods, you’ll notice that the lightness of summer staples has, for the most part, left the diet.  Food for fall is heavier and hardier and can easily be overlooked as we cling to summer eating habits. This was less of a problem when produce could not be brought out of season to our tables. Fall food is also very grounding after being up in the ethers all summer.

7. Dress for the weather.

As temperatures drop, ensure to wear warm clothing. Be especially careful to cover your head and neck. The neck and throat area needs to be covered from cold and wind as it’s an important passageway for air to our lungs, our spine and nervous system, blood flow to the brain and many other energetic pathways.

8. Have a daily energetic routine.

Have a daily practice that brings natural energy into your body. This helps to keep energy levels up throughout the fall and winter months without relying on coffee or other stimulants that can impact health and sleep negatively. Sometimes called “Chi” or “Prana” there are many ways to boost your life force energy.

Qigong, Tai Chi, Yoga are just an example of how movement and breathwork can bring Prana into your body to enhance natural energies.

9. Mediate.

Mediation (whether guided or silent) and other quite practices are great ways to get the creative juices flowing for your indoor/outdoor projects. Being calm also strengthens the immune system and creates positive moods and outlook.

10. Get involved with the traditions of the season.

There are so many activities that come to us in fall and it can really boost our energy and mood when we get involved. Having even a small get together to celebrate Octoberfest and attending a Christmas Bazar can be very uplifting. Planning in advance gives you something to work toward and look forward to.

By Tom Kelly

Get Grounded

Getting Grounded

It doesn’t matter who you are, there will always be a reason to ground yourself and for those of us who are sensitive or empaths staying grounded is even more important.

Being ungrounded even to a minor degree can make one feel off-kilter, scattered and just not in their body. If ungrounded for long periods, one might even feel unwell or disconnected from the world around them.

There is a reason people feel great when at the beach or walking in nature. This is due to negative ions and the effect they have on us. When you breathe in air that’s charged full of negative ions, stress levels are reduced, a positive mood is created, and the levels of serotonin increase (which helps reduce feelings of depression and lethargy).

Recently I had a healing session and one of the comments made post-treatment was to find ways to get and stay grounded. So even for someone who looks at my own energy closely, I had become ungrounded if even is just slightly.

Day to day life does not always afford us the opportunity to go to the beach or walk in a forest, so I have created a grounding meditation (below) to get you grounded quickly and listed helpful tools to help keep you grounded.

Just doing some form of grounding during or at the end of your day will help you feel inspired and connected with mother earth, leaving the door open for you to create and expand your life. Any type of energy treatment (such as Reiki or Crystal Healing) is certainly a great way to ground. Everyone will find their best way to get grounded. My favorite and I’m guess I’m not alone on this would be number seventeen (happy grounding). You can also listen to this mediation @ Hearthstone Healing YouTube Channel!

Things to help you get and stay grounded

  1. Meditate
  2. Get close to a tree (touch it)
  3. Go for a walk (anywhere)
  4. Eat more root vegetables
  5. Use Crystals to Ground  (tiger’s eye, garnet, hematite, onyx and or copper.)
  6. Sit near stream or river
  7. Breathe in fresh air
  8. Cook a meal from scratch
  9. Use essential oils such as; sandalwood, cedarwood,
  10. Cuddle an animal
  11. Do yard work
  12. Get physical with exercise
  13. Lay in the sun
  14. Drink lots of water and ensure your salt intake is adequate
  15. Disconnect from technology
  16. Pamper your physical body (have a sea salt bath)
  17. Have sex (with yourself or with someone else)
  18. Have a real conversation
  19. Go sit somewhere in nature
  20. Listen to earthy music
  21. Create your own music
  22. Write
  23. Cry