Tag: Spiritual Growth


The image above is great at depicting adventure and for many stepping outside their comfort zone. The ropes provide tie off to maintain stability and equilibrium. We need to look at what we are tied off too and how and why we are tethered to these energies.

Dr David Hawkins relates all fear back to our (as humans) fear of death and I agree. We can have all the best safety equipment and system redundancies, yet nothing can stop this inevitability.

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2023 Energies

2023 energy has been setting up for some time now.

Collectively these energies are full of brightness and support and yet there is still disfunction.

My experience in recent weeks suggests we are being asked to resolve outstanding misalignment within ourselves and drop the need to play into collective drama.

Our hearts have grown and with this opening and support for brighter layers of our being, we are in a miraculous time of renovation and growth.

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Forward Thinking

The following is a message that came to me recently.

“Why do we want to know more about things and experiences that already exist, when there are so many new and undiscovered things as yet to be defined and understood.”

My guides were very clear and quite humorous with this. It wasn’t as though they were disappointed but rather tired of seeing us playing the game and not winning. Imagine being at the carnival and trying a game over and over and spend a lot of money without winning a prize.

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