Recently, a number of individuals in the spiritual community have spoken about a flash of light. My understanding of these comments is that a unique light (seen or unseen) will come to the earth to shine light on all of mankind. This light is said to be positive and structured to help people shift into a more heart-centered energy and way of being.
As much as I’d like to see and experience such a magical moment my focus is always on the present and what is happening now.
My experience with light coming to the planet is different from what is described above. I’ve been shown many instances of increased light and energy flow. Some might see this as galactic or universally inspired, but my intuition tells me these energies come directly from the Great Central Sun.
The smaller “flashes” I’m experiencing are brought through subtle awareness and honestly, leave me speechless with each encounter. I’m sensing moments of purity, completeness, and love. And with each experience, there is an outward flow or expansion of energy onto the planet.
I haven’t done anything special other than being available to experience and then to acknowledge greater possibilities.
It’s like a tickle that stops everything, honing my focus and then expressing outward as a beacon into everything and beyond.
To experience this in conjunction with another being is simply beyond words. The oneness isn’t created but rather understood and felt.
In a shopping mall recently children and babies found a way to connect to me and even their moms and dads could sense the off-gassing of these experiences, often with a strange unprepared smile.
I noticed this in the garden. Experiencing the sun shining off a tomato plant is enough to bring my focus deeper until all I see is the universe in its golden glow.
Our dog looks up to connect, fully understanding the energy we share and pull inward.
I stopped yesterday and looked down at a worn manhole cover, realizing how long it had been there, the things it knew and could tell us.
So many things hold this world together energetically, and we are just scratching the surface of our true reality and the possibilities of how something new will evolve.
It’s a magical time and I welcome a greater moment of light and energy such as “a great flash of light,” but also focus on the here and now.
One can see it all coming together in small and large pieces. It’s much more than a single moment and we get to see it all!
Oh, and these small flashes all add up. I watched the sunlight crest of a group of windows and smiled as the reflected light showered the inner atmosphere.
The rainbow in the photo above was taken July 6th in the evening and what this image doesn’t show (can’t show) is the extent of the power in the color and energy. Like an eclipse, one needs to have been in full totality to experience its beauty.
About Tom