Is your life experience “trippy” these days?
Many minuet things in my day-to-day experience are off, and collectively they create a very trippy reality. Sometimes this experience is well understood other times it can be challenging to manage and enjoy.
Here are some examples;
I notice distance and height are off, or my perception is. When reaching for something I sense it being closer or further from my hand, or when a counter or cupboard seems low or high. When taking a group of steps toward something well known to me, I may find my steps awkwardly longer or shorter getting there.
In the car, when traffic seems oddly distant, expansive, or crowded. In public spaces like a grocery store where the whole experience seems out of balance and somewhat odd overall.
I’ve been in public spaces that seem to twist and warp, showing me the different angles and plains of its energetic composition.
My “go-to” is to ensure I’m grounded, in my body, and I usually am. If not, I work to get grounded and reevaluate.
What I’m coming to understand, is that my light body is expanding which is allowing different levels of consciousness to flow into my day-to-day life.
This experience is forcing an adjustment, asking me to know my energy in new ways and to find a way to stand firmly with these higher frequencies. I’ve also noticed different sensations (or) layers of consciousness asking me to know and understand their existence.
These sensations and perceptions are not new to me but now the experience is much more expansive in an all-encompassing way.
I believe that our planet is now rooted in higher energies and we as humans are starting to sense and experience these new levels and octaves within our reality. A fun time not without its difficulties, but certainly worth the effort.
Are you noticing your daily life day-to-day experience of life and living differently?
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Consciousness Stories; Winter Tapestries