Author: Tom Kelly


We were having a dinner party recently and steak was on the menu. As the day closer I looked up cooking instructions as we don’t have steak often and I wanted to ensure I remembered all the tips. This was also a chance to see if anyone was doing anything new and exciting with meat!

I read through a couple of articles and found a lot of common ground. Something that everyone insisted was important was to let the cooked meat sit before eating, 10 minutes seemed the guideline. This allows the meat to finish cooking, which is difficult when people are hungry. But we waited and the meal and steaks were a big success!

Fast forward a few days. I’m doing something completely unrelated, rushing along when my guides tap me on the shoulder and say “What’s the rush? Do you remember the steaks? They had to sit for 10 minutes. There was a reason for the wait and the outcome was enhanced greatly.”

I recall stopping immediately and knowing this was the absolute truth. The guides were not scolding me for anything in particular. This was just another tap like many they have shared lately.

Continue reading “Depth”


A strong message came through recently about connection (or) our “Disconnections”.

So here it is.

Don’t take any of this personally. We’ve all been disconnected at some point, myself included. What’s great is that we can recover and to a place so positive and healing we wonder what took us so long!

Here’s the thing, if we don’t do this now and get this right we run the risk of truly loosing ourselves.

If we lose our connection to nature, our connection to ourselves, our connection to each, we will be completely lost!

Our Connection to Nature

Nature is meant to be part of us and part of our daily life. If we live in cities we run the risk of never knowing nature. We may never know how or food is grown or understand how the meats we purchase in grocery stores comes to be, how these animals live and die.  We may never walk on the earth barefoot or witness a night sky free of light pollution.

Continue reading “Connections”