Today’s Message (from the guides)

Take the ideas we give you and be with them. Please don’t dissect and intellectualize them.

These moments and ideas are steps in a process. Your role is to be ready and to receive.

If you take a message and turn it into something, you may lose the importance of it. Our messages are simple and often come in groups over time (as you know).

We offer what you call “nuggets” to excite you. Don’t let your excitement be diffused through complication. You will know what our message(s) mean naturally.  

We expect and encourage creativity, never wanting to curb this flow. In many ways, this is the future. Be creative and imaginative.

The time of now will bring much that is not yet known. There is much you will see, experience, and learn. You need to be at ease and in flow to bring these energies forward.

We encourage you to be gentle with yourself, to smile, and be joyful and at peace. This is always what we speak about (as you know).

Work will be involved, but the process of receiving is not “work”.

We deeply love and support you and are always here for you.

Your Guides & Angel Teams


About – Tom

Read – Voice Within the Trees


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