Category: Consciousness

We Are the World (a message from the guides)

We Are the World artists in a group

This week I watched “The Greatest Night in Pop” on Netflix. And it created the opening for a message I would like to share.

First off, most of you will not know the profound impact music has on me. It’s God’s way of speaking directly to my soul and heart. Many of you may know this yourself.

When I turned on this video I almost immediately had tears in my eyes, and this continued throughout. This documentary looks at the creation of the song “We Are the World.”

I was in my twenties when this all went down. My girlfriend worked at the big FM station in town and I had the inside to everything music. It was a magical time for me as a music fan but it went much deeper as this documentary reminded me. It was a time when people put up their hands and said count me in. It happened slowly, one hand at a time, eventually becoming a global movement.

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Fear (a message from the guides)

Recently I was given some very profound information while also being reminded of a major concept most of us push to the side or may not fully understand.

I was visiting a local hospital and on the way out, stopped for a coffee. It was the dinner hour and eerily quiet. Something in my peripheral vision grabbed my attention. I allowed this to expand and realized it was an energy pattern across the corridor. It wasn’t sure what this energy wanted or was trying to say, it just seemed dull and lifeless.

My first reaction was to call in my teams for more protection and shielding, given the energy in hospitals.

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The Magic of Mushrooms

I know quite a bit about the magical properties of mushrooms.

I know quite a bit about the magical properties of mushrooms. The healing potentials many mushrooms have and the benefit their root systems (mycelium) provide to ecosystems they touch.

What I didn’t know about mushrooms but was shown recently in a “dream state,” is how they fully engage with all of nature and humanity.

In this vision, I was shown a simple mushroom on a lush forest floor. It was sitting amongst beautiful tall pines with just the perfect amount of light to illuminate it fully. The scene was as if a movie set had been created just for me and for this demonstration.

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Expanding the Light Body

Is your life experience “trippy” these days?

Many minuet things in my day-to-day experience are off, and collectively they create a very trippy reality. Sometimes this experience is well understood other times it can be challenging to manage and enjoy.

Here are some examples;

I notice distance and height are off, or my perception is. When reaching for something I sense it being closer or further from my hand, or when a counter or cupboard seems low or high. When taking a group of steps toward something well known to me, I may find my steps awkwardly longer or shorter getting there.

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