Category: Writing

Is Nature Changing

Cardinal (bird) sitting in a snowy tree

We witness ourselves change but do we see all the changes happening all around us?

I am fascinated with nature and always trying to bring it closer to home. Sometimes to close!

This is why I feed birds all year round. There’s nothing better than hearing songbirds in summer or watching a pair of tiny sparrows play in the snow of a hedge.

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In the past few days and weeks, I have experienced several interesting concepts. Some of them appeared as dreams, while others were in the form of visions or thoughts. What they all have in common is that I seem to possess a higher level of knowledge and proficiency in areas where I had little or no expertise before.

In a dream, I was given a trumpet by a group of musicians who also played horns. Not knowing a thing about this instrument, I put it down laughingly. After much prompting, I picked up the trumpet and soon was the best player, leading and composing amazing groves and riffs within the group.

Continue reading “Mastery”

Unity Field Healing

As a Unity Field Healing practitioner I wanted to share information about this energetic treatment and Dr. John Ryan the originator of this quantum healing modality.

Dr. Ryan is a medical doctor specialized in radiology at the Ottawa Hospital. I’ve known John for almost a decade and he’s one of the kindest and most gentle souls I know. Beyond speaking and writing about consciousness, John teaches Unity Field Healing and offers a monthly transmission by the energetic collective who brought Unity Field Healing to him.

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A strong message came through recently about connection (or) our “Disconnections”.

So here it is.

Don’t take any of this personally. We’ve all been disconnected at some point, myself included. What’s great is that we can recover and to a place so positive and healing we wonder what took us so long!

Here’s the thing, if we don’t do this now and get this right we run the risk of truly loosing ourselves.

If we lose our connection to nature, our connection to ourselves, our connection to each, we will be completely lost!

Our Connection to Nature

Nature is meant to be part of us and part of our daily life. If we live in cities we run the risk of never knowing nature. We may never know how or food is grown or understand how the meats we purchase in grocery stores comes to be, how these animals live and die.  We may never walk on the earth barefoot or witness a night sky free of light pollution.

Continue reading “Connections”

Sound of Freedom

Based on a true story, this film masterfully connects the audience with a world unknown to many.

It brings much needed attention to the world of child trafficking, abuse and slavery. It’s the tip of the iceberg and it’s understandable most will not want to watch it. “Trailer

This film is horror, real life horror. It’s a horror that needs to be seen, and acknowledged.

Watching “Sound of Freedom” or digging deep in the world of child enslavement is critical to being apart of the solution that brings its end.

Until all children are free, mankind is toiling in the same dirt that dishonors and disregards the most cherished part of us.

The Children (all children) must not only be free, but honored for the light which they are. They are the brightest light(s) in our world today and not a single child should be allowed to suffer. To allow this, goes against all religious doctrines, morality and Universal Law.

To stand up for and beside our most innocent selves, the children. It may be the most important and meaningful action you’ll every take.


The image above is great at depicting adventure and for many stepping outside their comfort zone. The ropes provide tie off to maintain stability and equilibrium. We need to look at what we are tied off too and how and why we are tethered to these energies.

Dr David Hawkins relates all fear back to our (as humans) fear of death and I agree. We can have all the best safety equipment and system redundancies, yet nothing can stop this inevitability.

Continue reading “Courage”

What is a Spiritual Path?

So what is the deal with being on a spiritual path? Does it mean that you are a different person, somehow totally different from the person you were before you connected with spirit, however this happened for you?

Not really.

What it meant for me, was that I started to see things about life differently and over time became more able to hold this knowledge (knowing) without question.

Everyone’s path will be different, and if like many you are living a more open and loving experience you have expanded and now know your world differently. You are not a new person and yet this expansion might take others by surprise.

Personal growth regardless of how it happens or what the reason will always bring new found passion and in the case of spiritual growth awareness.

If our life path brings us joy and happiness without a need for external validation or material compensation we have found inner peace.

In a space where we love our-self fully and can look beyond hate, seeing the world and all beings as our friends and family we have expanded.

We are not different people, but do see and feel differently about our life experience.

So regardless of the path you are on today, remember to embrace whatever you are seeing and sensing, and let those around you be who they are.

We are all in different places and this is a good thing. Being different offers us an invitation to evolve in way that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.

So, walk your path with care and kindness, always listening for the silent teachers who are always around us offering to help expand our lives.

-Tom Kelly

Summer in the Trees

If one listens carefully, they may hear the mystical sound of an afternoon breeze dancing among the trees.

The trees shimmer and sway high above. Leaves shifting, restlessly waving for those who watch.

Branches creak, limbs twist and turn as the embers of summer light push past.

Leaves lean forward, back and sideways all in one swirling motion. Like beads of natures rattle, they follow and chase. There is a rush, a silence as they curl and flutter to this chaotic mantra. Like breath, there is a rise and fall, the sound of delicate harmony.

This breath (or breeze) brings with it strength and weakness, alignment as well as a distraction.

Moments pass together without the need to organize. The magic of one leaf becomes many to sing this afternoon song.

I often like joining this wonderful orchestra and whistle along with summer in the trees.

By Tom Kelly